
About Us

As a multinational IML printing company, we have established a reputation for delivering unmatched versality, uncompromising customer satisfaction.

10 Years

Our Works

What is IML?


The term "in mold labeling" (IML) is directly derived from the technique: a preprinted polypropylene (PP) label is placed in a mold that has the shape of the end product, e.g. the shape of a butter tub. Then the molten PP is added to the mold, fuses with the label and -while curing- takes the shape of the mold. Result: label and packaging become one.

Our Customers


The most valuable asset of any organization is its customers. Our customers are the heart of our activities and their satisfaction is a key driver for our business. We believe that focusing on providing what customers want is the best way to grow this collection because business growth will be created by satisfying customers and winning their trust.


Our Service

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IML Printing

Maximum print quality
The offset printing technique ensures high-resolution images. Besides, you can decorate all the sides of a container with one single label.
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Our Team

Interior designers must be highly skilled in order to create interior environments that are functional, safe.

Our Stats

15Creative Designers